The long-term health care costs for diabetic patients can be staggering. In 2008 the American Diabetes Association reported that diabetes was in the top 10 for the most expensive diseases in the US. A recent review of insurance company data showed that insured diabetic patients who received dental treatment for gum disease saved health care dollars – almost 25% versus patients who did not have dental treatment.
The link between periodontal disease and diabetes is well established. People with diabetes are much more likely to develop gum disease and those patients with gum disease have a harder time controlling their blood sugar. Creating a partnership between patient, dentist and physician to help maintain good oral and overall health is key.
For some diabetic patients calling to make an appointment to visit the dentist is scary idea. Dental fears and dental anxiety cause many patients to put off urgently needed care, sometimes for years. Sedation dentistry can be the solution. Various types of sedation can be used depending upon the needs and health of the patient. Often we can resolve years of neglect in a very short time with no anxiety or discomfort for the patient.
Please contact Rothfus Family Dental in Medford, OR today at 541-858-7994 to find out more information about your sedation dentistry options and to schedule your appointment. You can have the healthy, beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of.